субота, 31. децембар 2011.

Jazz Orkestar Radio-Televizije Beograd (1948-1978)

NASLOV               Jazz Orkestar Radio-Televizije Beograd (1948-1978)
                            "Jazz Orkestar RTB Sa Gostima"

(A1-10. Sep '75) (A2-17. May '74) (A3-3. Jul '75)
(B1-March '76) (B2-18.Sep.'75)
(C1-13.Mar.'73) (C2-12.Jan.'77)
(D1-4.Feb.'77) (D2. Feb. '77) (D3-April '76)

ETIKETA              1978, Radio Televizija Beograd, RTB LP-4203/4204
Dusko Goykovich, D. Husman, P. Krstic, F. Jenc, G. Dimitrovski, P.Ivanovic, D. Repovic (tp), P. Stefanovic, D. Kavaja, Z. Skerl, P. Popovic (tb), M. Markovic, E. Sadjil, D. Davidovic, M. Stojanovic, Lj. Nikolic, K. Takac (s), Bora Rokovic (p), V. Vitas, S. Markovic (key), T. Milakovic (b), L. Tosic, B. Kovacev (ds), R. Milivojevic (perc)


Strana A:
1. Pauk (Zvonimir Skerl) 8'46
2. Kolo (Franja Jenc) 5'05
3. Prolecna Etida (Georgi Dimitrovski) 6'22

Strana B:
1. Svadbena Igra Kraj Bistrice (Vojislav Simic) 7'12
2. Krug (Predrag Krstic) 7'07
3. Si Zaljubljiv Edno Mome (Georgi Dimitrovski) 4'22

Strana C:
1. Macka (Zvonimir Skerl) 11'45
2. Atlantis (Bora Rokovic) 5'52

Strana D:
1. Balkan Ekspres (Franja Janc) 7'00
2. Vilenjak i Vila (Vojislav Simic) 6'00
3. Aretuza (Bora Rokovic) 5'50

четвртак, 22. децембар 2011.

B.P.Convention - Live In Studio M

NASLOV                Bags Groove - B.P.Convention - Live In Studio M

ETIKETA                2009,Croatia Records


Petar Ugrin trumpet
Sal Nistico Sax
Bosko Petrovic - vibes,marimba
Damir Dicic - Guitar
Mario Mavrin - bass guitar
ratko Divjak - drums


1. Bag's Groove
2. Blue Bossa
3. Song For You
4. Summertime
5. Straight, No Chaser!


1)Hrvatska jazz diskografija, inace ne preobilna (ruku na srce, jazz nikad nije pustio dublje korijenje na ovim prostorima), nedavno je postala bogatija za jedno znacajno izdanje: snimku koncerta nekadašnje grupe Boška Petrovica, B.P. Convention u Novom Sadu iz 1977.

Treba prvo istaknuti da se ne radi o reizdanju vec postojece ploce, nego o pravoj ''premijeri'' ovog  jam sessiona na nosacu zvuka, što povecava znacaj ovog izdanja. Naime, u jesen 2008. Boško Petrovic je dobio ovu snimku od Vladimira Simurdica, glazbenog urednika RTV Novi Sad, te je vec nakon prvog slušanja zakljucio da je snimka ''vrijedna cuvanja kao dokumenta jednog vremena'', a prijedlog se na srecu svidio i urednicima Croatie Records.

U svojoj dugogodišnjoj karijeri Boško Petrovic je ostvario bogati opus, no i pored te impresivne kolicine diskografskih izdanja stoji još više neobjavljenih nastupa, a za ljubitelje koncertnih albuma pravo je veselje kad iz arhiva izroni neki zaboravljeni jam session. Ovaj koncert potjece iz razdoblja B.P.Conventiona, sastava koji je Boško Petrovic oformio kada su se gasili Zagrebacki jazz kvartet i Zagrebacki jazz kvintet. U to su doba bili popularni razni oblici transžanrovskih eksperimenata, pa je za svoj novi sastav Petrovic odabrao glazbenike iz rock miljea, kao što su Mario Mavrin na bas gitari i Ratko Divjak na bubnjevima. Ono što je fascinantno pri slušanju ove ploce je to da se razlika u žanrovskoj pozadini gotovo uopce ne primjecuje – rock glazbenici savršeno su se uklopili u jazz idiom i zvuce kao iskusni jazzeri koji odraduju po tko zna koji jam session. Njihova interakcija s 'pravim' jazzerima, trubacem Petrom Ugrinom, saksofonistom Sal Nisticom, gitaristom Damirom Dicicem i samim Boškom Petrovicem  tecna je i uzbudljiva.

Repertoar je prilicno klasicnan: 4 slavna standarda i jedan Dicicev original, Song For You. Dicic je najpoznatiji  kao jazz gitarist, no ne treba zanemariti  njegov kompozitorski i aranžerski talent, koji najbolje predocuje ova vrhunska skladba koja ima sve kvalitete standarda i bez kompleksa stoji bok uz bok s ostalim kompozicijama.

Koncert zapocinje skladbom Milta Jacksona  Bag's Groove (Bags je nadimak koji je Milt Jackson dobio zbog 'vrecica' ispod ociju koje je imao nakon neprospavanih noci). Slijedi Blue Bossa i spomenuta Diciceva skladba, zatim Gershwinov  vjecni Summertime, i za kraj slavni Monkov broj Straight, No Chaser. Sve skladbe su podatne za formu jam sessiona, zbog svog velikog potencijala za improvizaciju koji se nije iscrpio niti nakom tisuca obrada.

Svirka je kreativna i nadahnuta, a prisutnost rock glazbenika samo dodaje na zanimljivosti - treba istaknuti  virtuozne  solaže Maria Mavrina na bas gitari. O umijecu Damira Dicica je vec puno receno, ali nikad nije suvišno naglasiti njegov talent koji je uvijek bio malo u sjeni zbog zanemaronosti gitare u jazzu. Boško Petrovic kao i uvijek majstorski koristi sve potencijale vibrafona, i izbija u prvi plan cak i pored mocnog zvuka trube i saksofona.  Iskusni jazzeri pojacani  rockerskom ritam sekcijom  dali su dojmljivu kombinaciju žustre svirke i suptilnih finesa, a izraženi ritam nikad ne potiskuje melodioznost koja je u osnovi svih pjesama.

Nadamo se da ce u buducnosti biti još ovakvih iznenadenja iz arhiva hrvatskog jazza.

Live at Studio M
(Jazzette Records)
Iako su dugogodišnji suradnici koji su zajedno djelovali u više sastava, a već nekoliko godina i kao trio Boška Petrovića, tek sad su snimili svoj prvi kompakt disk, i to neplanirano, spontano. Naime, poslije brojnih nastupa u Hrvatskoj i Europi, vibrafonist Boško Petrović, gitarist Primož Grašič i bas gitarist Mario Mavrin, odsvirali su uspješan koncert na prošlogodišnjem Old Gold Jazz Festivalu u Novom Sadu. Na sreću, onaj tako rijedak trenutak u kojem se poslože sve kockice, trenutak nadahnuća kojem teže svi umjetnici, nerijetko u postizanju tog cilja riskiravši i svoje živote, a što se dogodio na ovom nastupu, snimljen je i to tehnički iznimno kvalitetno. Zahvaljujući čistoći i jasnoći zvuka, te dobroj izbalansiranisti pojedinih glazbala i prostornosti, ova se snimka doima poput studijske. Od prvog trenutka bilo je jasno da taj glazbeni materijal mora postati dostupan i širem krugu ljubitelja jazza, glazbe koju odlikuje spontanost, nepredvidivost, interakcija. A to se, dakako, uvijek lakše postiže na nastupu nego u studiju. ”Live at Studio M” je jedan od onih što donose suštinski jazz, a uspješno odgovaraju na više izazova potrebnih da bi ga proglasili cjelovitim umjetničkim djelom: osebujan zvuk, originalan pristup, autorstvo, osobnost, zavidna tehnika, feeling, zajedništvo, komunikacija, telepatija, radost muziciranja.
Trio Boška Petrovića pred sebe je stavio težak zadatak svirajući u doista rijetkoj kombinaciji bez bubnjara i ograničivši se na komoran zvuk uglavnom baladnog i bluesy ugođaja. Zamku da njihova glazba ubrzo postane dosadna, vješto izbjegavaju svirajući raznolik repetoar, te udahnjući svakoj izvedbi drukčiji karakter. Album jer to predivnih tema i nadahnutih improvizacija. Svirajući i najsloženije pasaže, Petrović, Grašič i Mavrin se doimaju opuštenima, a njihova glazba jednostavnom i prirodnom. Najljepša izvedba na albumu je ona Petrovićeve glasovite skladbe ”With Pain I Was Born” koja svojom ljepotom može konkurirati bilo kojem svjetskom jazz standardu, koja ima karakter. Uz predivnu melodiju, što se poziva na makedonsku narodnu glazbu, i zanimljive ritmičke figure Mavrina, izvedba donosi dinamiku, profinjenost, više obrata i lijepa sola, te, kao i izvedba još jedne legendarne Petrovićeve skladbe uvrštene na album - ”Sigurd's Garden”, budi nostalgične asocijacije na zlatno doba njezina nastanka i djelovanja slavnog Zagrebačkog jazz kvarteta. Upečatljiva je poticajna priprema za Grašičev solo koji donosi drukčiji ugođaj. I kad se očekuje finale, umjetnici se upuštaju u novi nestašluk, a Petrović sponatano poseže za nekoliko duhovitih citata. Na album je uvrštena i njegova novija skladba ”Oberkreiner Lullabye” posvećena Slovencu Grašiču. Kao skladatelj predstavljen je i Mavrin. U maniri gitarista odsvirao je predivan uvod u izvedbi svoje atraktivne skladbe ”Samba da Pipi” pripremivši teren za temu, te izvstan Grašićev solo. Mavrin i Grašič briljiraju u duo izvedbi nježne balade ”Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square”, vješto se nadopunjavajući i podržavajući jedan druugoga u sjajnim improvizacijama.
”Nakon toliko godina više se nikome ne moram dokazivati. Sviram glazbu u kojoj najviše uživam”, često izjavljuje Petrović, dobitnik ovogodišnje nagrade Porin za životno djelo. Nije li upravo to preduvijet da bi glazba bila iskrena i odsvirana s ljubavlju? A to su značajke njihovih izvedbi brojnih standarda što ih imaju na repertoaru, od kojih su na ovaj album uvrstili ”Don't Explain”, ”Summertime” i ”Bye, Bye Blackbird”.
(Preuzeto iz časopisa Cantus, br 120)

Alma Micic - The Hours

NASLOV               Alma Micic - The Hours

ETIKETA               2008,CTA Records


Alma Micic: vocals; Brandon McCune: piano, Fender Rhodes `(7); Sean Conley: bass; Gregory Hutchinson: drums; Riley Bandy: alto sax (1, 4); Rale Micic: acoustic guitar


1.Threads 6:38
2.Long Way Home 4:53
3.Hours 4:41
4.Holy Holy Holy 4:24
5.April in Paris 3:40
6.Through the Night 3:49
7.Star 4:08
8.Oj Djevojko Milijana 5:05
9.Lullaby 4:53
10.Sweet Sweet Spirit 5:51

1)Alma Micic was born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia. At the age of 16 she started performing with a local quartet at a time when jazz was making a big comeback in Belgrade. Soon she became a frequent guest vocalist with the Radio Belgrade Big Band and began touring and appearing at many local jazz festivals as well as television and radio broadcasts. In 1995, she received a scholarship to attend the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. Alma graduated in 1999 with a BM in Jazz Performance.
Alma has been a resident of New York City since 2000. She has appeared at prominent venues such as the Jazz Standard, Scullers, as well as various international festivals and concert halls. Her first album “Introducing Alma”, hailed as “a striking debut” by Jazz Review, received radio airplay throughout the US, including Voice of America, XM Satellite Radio and international radio stations in South America, Japan and Europe. Alma Micic was also featured in a one hour NPR/WGBH Radio special “The Jazz Songbook”.
Alma’s singing has been described as “confident, soulful, vulnerable, rhythmically savvy, with the most sensual vibrato you're likely to hear” (All About Jazz). Featured articles include Swing Journal (Japan), Concerto Magazine (Austria), Jazzman and Citizen Jazz (France). She has received numerous awards such as the Cleo Laine Award for Outstanding Musicianship and BRIO Award from the NY Arts Council. Alma's highly anticipated new album “The Hours” beautifully displays her songwriting and arranging talents in addition to her exquisite singing.

2)There are no doubts about it. Alma Micic (Mee-cheech) is a first rate jazz singer. On her debut album, Introducing Alma (CTA, 2004), she opened some doors with her seductive style working the Great American Songbook. Giving no hint of what was to follow, the release of The Hours raises the bar, leaving no hesitation about where this vocalist is headed.
The Hours is far from the type of breakthrough bestseller that one might intimate. It is thematically the very opposite of what Micic's debut album was. Here, all but one of the tracks is in English with a single Montenegrin traditional tune sung as on the earlier session. However, of the remaining compositions, all but two have been written or co-written by Micic. These songs are, for the most part, spiritual in nature, and whether this faith-based music works in a jazz context or detracts from it is uncertain. While these words could easily have been sung by Amy Grant or Kathy Troccoli, here the presentation is completely different.
It is an almost eerie experience to connect the message of the lyrics with the jazz delivery. If Betty Carter or Chris Connor were delivering a message of faith, would the final result be any less? Micic's shading and familiarity with the music creates a sense of ease and reassurance.
When, midway through the album, Micic roars through a version of "April in Paris"—the only generally familiar song—it is a refreshing, and up-tempo visit to another planet, where the singer nails the melody and settles into a comfortable and assured scat. It is almost as if she were winking to the listener, saying "Yeah, I can do that easy!"
Certainly, as in the case of her first album, the musical cast contributes mightily to the finished product. Her pianist, Brandon McCune, proves again to be a first-rate accompanist and soloist with lots of the same Red Garland block chording. Bassist Sean Conley and drummer Gregory Hutchinson make this one cooking rhythm section. Altoist Riley Bandy adds some punch to his two appearances, while Macic's husband Rale plays acoustic guitar on the singer's performance of the Montenegrin folk song, "Oj Djevojko Milijana."
Describing an album this eclectic can be difficult, but one listen to The Hours and Macic's distinctive approach becomes crystal clear.
Track Listing: Threads; Long Way Home; Hours; Holy Holy Holy; April In Paris; Through the Night; Star; Oj Djevojko Milijana; Lullaby; Sweet Sweet Spirit.
Personnel: Alma Micic: vocals; Brandon McCune: piano, Fender Rhodes `(7); Sean Conley: bass; Gregory Hutchinson: drums; Riley Bandy: alto sax (1, 4); Rale Micic: acoustic guitar

Alma Micic - Introducing Alma

NASLOV               Alma Micic - Introducing Alma

ETIKETA              CTA Records


Alma Micic: vocals; Brandon McCune: piano; Sean Conly: bass; Israel Bannerman: drums


1.Day Dream 5:06
2.Corcovado 3:10
3.Close Your Eyes 2:57
4.Something To Live For 6:20
5.Yesterdays 4:03
6.That April Day 6:51   
7.Sejdefu Majka Budjase 6:59
9.I Remember You 3:09
10.But Beautiful 5:26


1) It's always a challenge to introduce a new artist, no matter how deserving or talented, without tripping over the usual litany of music journalist cliches. But jazz vocalist Alma Micic, though still young, really is the real deal in the making; self-assured both rhythmically and harmonically, she swings, has a great sense of space and time, and chooses happening material while avoiding the usual overworn vocalist cliche tunes. She also writes and even scats convincingly.
Micic is clear, confident, soulful, vulnerable, rhythmically savvy, with the most sensual vibrato you're likely to hear, combined with a unique approach and sense of intonation, especially on ballads—eg. "Something to Live For"—which all makes for a very original presentation, most especially on ballads. There she'll pull you into a world of her own making, one you'll gladly revisit with the anxious richness of reconnecting with a long lost love, and finding what you hadn't the first time.
Standouts include "I Remember You," a haunting piano/vocal arrangement of "Day Dream," "Close Your Eyes," a blusey reading of "Yesterdays," and the gorgeous "But Beautiful." "Quiet Nights/Corcovado" is tight and unique at its chosen tempo, as its taken as a samba rather than the usual bossa. It's as up as I've ever heard it, but works as a rhythm section thing, all except for making the lead appear rushed (though she's not), in contrast to the complete relaxation of the rest of the record.
Among the surprises are an inspired take on Shorter's "Infant Eyes" and her own original, "That April Day." A beautiful piece that's perfect for her.
By sixteen Micic was lead vocalist with the Belgrade Radio Big Band in her native Serbia. By twenty she'd performed at jazz fests all over Europe, eventually graduating from Berklee College of Music with honors. She now resides in New York, where she formed her current gigging/recording band, consisting of pianist Brandon McCune (who at times evokes comparisions with Red Garland, Herbie Hancock, even Bill Evans, with certain harmonic touches and runs), bassist Sean Conly, and drummer Israel Bannerman.
Though the group supports Micic ("Mee-cheech") with warmth, empathy, and maturity, they at times interact with her more as if she were more another instrument. This makes for a sense of greater possibilities, a sense of respect for the leader, and more interesting rapport all around. Sort of a balance between respectful sensitivity and assertion. If this is what a first effort sounds like, this would clearly be a band to see live—as soon as possible.
Track Listing: Day Dream; Corcovado; Close Your Eyes; Something to Live For; Yesterdays; That April Day; Sejdefu Majka Budjase; Infant Eyes; I Remember You; But Beautiful.
Personnel: Alma Micic: vocals; Brandon McCune: piano; Sean Conly: bass; Israel Bannerman: drums.

2)This CD showcases Alma Micic’s superb vocal abilities, as she blends with and soars over piano, bass, and drums. With songs in English, Montenegrin Traditional, and Scat, Ms. Micic’s recording reveals her versatility, vivaciousness, and vamp. This is a midnight and candlelight collection of ballads and even one samba.

Notable tracks:

#2 –Corcovado – Composed by A. C. Jobim. This track begins and ends with a repetitive piano refrain, with percussive drums and surreal samba. Sung in English, Quiet Nights and Quiet Days, Micic does not diffuse its exotic appeal. This is a most interesting twist to a renowned standard.

#4 –Something to Live For – Composed by B. Strayhorn and D. Ellington. With the barest of Bannerman’s brushes and Conly’s bass, Micic and McCune share the track with elegance and ephemeral quietude. Micic’s vocals tumble like raindrops in flight.

#7 –Sejdefu Majka Budjase – Montenegrin Traditional. This song, emanating from Montenegro, near Ms. Micic’s native Serbia, is sung with clarity and class. I would like to hear more songs in the repertoire from Ms. Micic’s homeland, as her language and passion in the genre add to the quality of its fascination.

#9 –I Remember You – Composed by J. Mercer and V. Schertzinger. This track showcases piano and drums, but adds Ms. Micic’s own style of accented scat in buoyant swing. The lyrics are the lesser focus, as the fused jazzy rhythms pulsate.

Soncna Pot

NASLOV               Soncna Pot

SNIMANO            1979 in studio 14 RTV Ljubljana

ETIKETA              1979,RTV LJubljana  LD 0566


 Lado Jaksa - saxes, clarinet, piano; Jordan Gancev - bass; Ratko Divjak - drums;  as a guest: Uros Secerov - percussion's


Strana A
1. Hrepenenje (Soncna Pot) 11:40 
2. Na poti (Soncna Pot) 6:10

Strana B:
1. Skozi (Soncna Pot) 6:40
2. Pastircekov (Soncna Pot) 4:42 
3. Zatek (Soncna Pot) 8:34


SONCNA POT (En. "The Sunny Street") was one of the first groups in Yugoslavia to introduce ethno-fusion jazz elements. A short-lived trio consisting of saxophonist and composer Lado Jaksa (ex-PREDMESTJE, SEDMINA, BULDOZER), drummer Ratko Divjak (ex-TIME) and jazz bassist Jordan Gancev. Recorded only one, self-titled and highly recommended album in 1979, which is now a rare collectors' item.

понедељак, 12. децембар 2011.

Steve Gut - Mr. C.T

NASLOV                Steve Gut - Mr. C.T

ETIKETA                1995 Timeless Records


Clark Terry,Alvin Queen,Dusko Gojkovic,Renato Chicco,RTB Big Band,MHS Big Band


1. On the Road
2. Some Memories
3. Summer Afternoon
4. Black Triangle
5. Stemi
6. Mr. C.T.
7. Blue Moon
8. Autumn Leaves
9. New York City
10. Blues to Clark

B.P.Convention Big Band - Green Lobster Dream

NASLOV                  B.P.Convention Big Band - Green Lobster Dream

SNIMANO               13. May, 1978. in Jugoton studio, Zagreb Producer Boško Petrovic

ETIKETA                  29.January,1979,JUGOTON LSY 68048


Ernie Wilkins - arangman; Boško Petrovic - vibes, piano; Al Porcino, Art Farmer, Lee Harper - trumpets, flugelhorns; Herman Brauer, Marcel Fuchs - trombones; Ozren Depolo, Sal Nistico, Gianni Basso, Drago Diklic - saxes; Damir Dicic - guitar; Mario "Bozo" Marvin - bass; Salih Sadikovic - drums; Zlatko Dvorzak, Boško Petrovic - conducting


Strana A:
1. Grean Lobster Dream [San zelenog jastoga] (Petrovic) 8:36 /
2. Dream Song  [Pjesma sna] (Petrovic) 5:40
3. Catch Me If You Can  [Uhvati me ako mozeš] (Dicic) 4:07

Strana B:
1. My Beautiful Balkan Lady  [Moja prekrasna balkanska dama] (Petrovic) 4:52
2. Song For Pinky  [Pjesma za pinka] (Dicic) 5:22
3. Another Bosco's Bussiness  [Jos jedan Boškov posao] (Wilkins) 4:42

Bora Roković - Ultra Native

NASLOV                Bora Rokovic - Ultra Native

ETIKETA                1971,MPS 15340


Bora Rokovic – Rhodes / piano
Peter Trunk – bass
Tony Inzalaco - drums


Strana A:
1. Ultra Native (B. Rokovic) 11'20
2. Lyrics Without Lyrics ( B. Rokovic) 4'32
3. Soft Hands Had the Rain (P. Trunk) 4'58
4. Nona (B. Rokovic) 1'22

Strana B:
1. J.B.W. (T. Inzalaco) 7'25
2. Witch Circle (B. Rokovic) 7'38
3. Lost In Love (B. Rokovic) 2'20
4. Snow-White-Night (B. Rokovic) 5'53

петак, 2. децембар 2011.

Kim Band - Za KIM Zvona Zvone

NASLOV                Kim Band - Za KIM Zvona Zvone

ETIKETA                1982,PGP RTB - 2120 712


Strana A
a01 Prohujalo s vihorom
a02 Sve i svasta
a03 Volim te kao konja
a04 Jutarnje novine
a05 Zvjezdana noc

Strana B
b01 Da si me pitao
b02 Daj zaobidji me
b03 Teraj po svome
b04 Samo jedan minut
b05 Skriveni track


Grupa Kim - Jugoslavija

NASLOV                Grupa Kim - Jugoslavija

ETIKETA                1980,PGP RTB 1120026,SP


Strana A
a1 Jugoslavija

Strana B
b1 Godine

Zagrebački Džez Kvartet - Vardar - Sister Sadie

NASLOV                    Zagrebacki Jazz Kvartet - Vardar - Sister Sadie

ETIKETA                    1965 JUGOTON  EPY 3407  (7")


Davor Kajfeš - piano; Boško Petrovic - vibraphone; Miljenko Prohaska - bass; Silvije Glojnaric - drums;


Strana A:
a1. Vardar (B.Rokovic)
Strana B:
b1. Sister Sadie  (H.Silver)